The Best 20 DIY Ideas To Create a Decorative Downspout Landscape

Building a downspout landscaping will enhance your home’s curb appeal. Downspouts are essential for guiding the rainwater from the gutter to the ground. They also have an aesthetic value if you do some landscaping around them.

Creative downspout landscapes are excellent decorations for house exteriors, especially when the rain water comes down and pass through the decorative drainage.

Take a look at these 20 ideas we chose for you and get inspired!

1. Rain water barrel has decorative feature:

2. Repurposed watering cans for downspout for gutters:

3. Making A Dry Creek Bed Drainage Canal for Downspouts:

4. Underground water catch basin prevents the problem of downspout runoff:

5. Rain harvesting vertical garden:

6. Decorative splash blocks for downspouts:

7. Rainslides into pool:

8. Downspout rain garden built with stack rocks:

9. The “Bucket Brigade” Downspout Planter:

10. Rock garden feature utilizes water from downspout:

11. Instead of a downspout with a rain chain:

12. Giant galvanized stock tank as a rain barrel:

13. Rain water passes over the gutter downspout and down the rain chain:

14. Living rainwater barrel comes with beautiful planter boxes:

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