17 Houseplants You Can Easily Grow In Water

Want to grow your own indoor plant? You can keep them in water vases or jars. In time, they will develop new leaves and even flower!

Growing plants indoors is a great way to maintain your home’s environment. If you want easy care, without the hassle of watering every day or caring for pesky pests like bugs and ants that can ruin any plant in minutes; then growing them in water may be perfect for you!

Some plants only grow in water. These indoor water plants are generally suitable for aquariums or ponds, but this article looks at some other houseplants that can thrive in jars of water!

What do we mean by Growing Plants in Water?

In order to root houseplant cuttings, it is best practice from the stem. Propagating plants in water can be an easy way grow new plants by using jars or bottles with water to grow new houseplants. It won’t be a lot of time until you have a nice indoor water garden!

Want to grow your own indoor plant? You can keep them in water vases or jars. In time, they will develop new leaves and even flower! The beauty about this method is that it’s less hassle than potting soil gardening- try not to worry if you don’t know how yet; we’ll teach you everything you need to know in this article!

How to Grow Plants in Water

You can grow plants in water by putting a few houseplant cuttings into an opaque or dark jar. The best container for these types of plants without soil is glass, but any other type will do as well!

For the best plant growth in a soilless medium, you’ll need more than just water. Fill your jar three-quarters full of decorative pebbles or sand to give it an interesting look, or to keep things fresh mix them with colored marbles for some added color!

Third, add water soluble houseplant fertilizer. This plant “food” provides plenty of nutrients in the water to promote healthy growth and substitution for minerals that are usually found in potting soil.

Fertilizer is a wonderful way to give your plants the best possible start. To make sure you have healthy roots, stems and leaves all season long mix one-quarter strength fertilizer into the water. If you grow a stem cutting, the water should be changed every couple of days.

Best Plants for Water Without Soil

Now that you know how to grow plants in water, it’s good to also be aware of which ones will thrive. You can get great results with the following seven excellent options:

  • English ivy
  • Golden pothos
  • Dumb cane plants
  • Wandering Jew
  • Flowering begonias
  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Spider plant

Hanging or trailing plants are the easiest to root in water. All you need to do is cut a section of stem just below node, ensuring there’s at least 3-4 leaves left on that end – remove lowest leaf and place it carefully into pot with enough depth so that they stay afloat!

Best Plants that Grow in Water

1. Philodendron

Heart-shaped philodendrons are excellent plants for growing in water and rooting easily. This vining plant has three or four heart shaped leaves, which can be cut about six inches (15 cm) long, so they’re the perfect size to fit in an inch sized jar.

To promote excellent philodendron growth in water, change the pH every four days. Soon roots will start growing and after it has been established for six weeks or so you can stop with just changing out water! After that wait another three before fertilizing again (they love nutrients).

2. Pothos

Pothos plants are easy to grow in a jar of water. Similar to philodendron, pothos has heart-shaped leaves and vining growth that looks great when grown together with other similar types or variegated varieties; they come in many colors including golden, yellow, and green highlights!

Pothos are often seen as an indoor plant because they need a dark color to grow well. However, these plants like water and can be grown in vases or bottles with just about any kind of liquid for soil mixture (you don’t even have to add nutrients!).

The best time frame would depend on how fast you want growth – some people will start seeing their new pothos leaves after only one week!

3. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen plants are the best choice for indoor water gardening because they root easily and produce thick stems. These stalks houseplants are suitable in vases or bottles, making them perfect additions to your home’s decor!

Separate a stem from the root ball and remove all of its dirt. Fill your base with decorative items like pebbles, gravel or sand to give it that extra touch! Place your indoor water plant in water.

4. Dumbcane

Dumbcane plants are a popular choice for indoor water gardens. The large leafy leaves and thick stem make them attractive in vases or bottles, while their decorative nature can be enhanced with glass containers decorated to look like natural landscapes (like rivers).

You can continue to grow a dumbcane plant in the water container by changing its nutrients and refreshing with fresh, clean water every few weeks. Or you could transfer it over for planting outside!

5. English Ivy

English ivy is one of the easiest plants to root in water. You can easily grow an English vine on its own for a couple months, after which you may need transfer it over soil and let that do all work for your plant!

6. Arrowhead

Arrowhead plants are often used in water vases because their large arrow-shaped leaves create a visual impact. If you want to grow one, just cut off an end with several nodes and place into jar of fresh water.

If you’re looking for an attractive and natural way to decorate your home, arrowhead plants are perfect. Growing them in jars creates a gorgeous indoor water garden that will be sure to delight guests!

7. Spider Plant

Spider plants are great for adding a splash of color and life to your desk or home. They grow quickly, but they won’t last long if you keep them in water too long!

To make sure these happy little guys stay healthy as possible it’s best that before moving on transfer them into soil-based potting mix so their roots have some room.

8. Ornamental Sweet Potato

The vining sweet potato plant is the perfect addition for those who love adding some tropical flair. After you have grown them from tubers, simply cut off their vines and place in a container with water like any other type of vine-growing plants!

9. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is a surprisingly common type of water plant. It can be found growing in shallow dishes with just enough depth and pebbles on top, as well as being called “Chinese Water Bamboo”.

The best way keep your lucky bamboo happy? Stagger their watering frequency so they don’t run out or get too dry during hot summer months!

Colorful Plants that Grow in the water

10. Begonias

Begonias are some of the most colorful plants to grow in water. There’s over 1,800 species that have brightly-colored leaves and stems!

You can easily root begonias by taking leaf cuttings or stem pieces from your plant–many types will do well when cared for properly (like with regular watering). They will grow for a few months into beautiful colorful plants!

11. Coleus

Coleus plants have colorful leaves and can grow in water for several months. To plant them in water, cut a length of stem just below nodes with at least one or two new green leaves on them before placing it into an appropriate container such as glass jars and mason jars filled with water.

Change the water on a monthly basis and add some fertilizer.

12. Wandering Jew

One of the most impressive plants in a water garden is Tradescantia. These floating leaves and stems can grow up to four feet tall, with flowers that are usually blue or violet-blue.

They’re known for their attractive colors as well as rapid growth rates: one plant may be enough if you want something colorful but not too busy; planting multiple will give your aquarium tropical flair!

13. Variegated Croton

Croton plants are ideal for any room. They have super-bright leaves that can brighten up your day and long stems with colorful oval-shaped leaves, making them perfect in a narrow vase or water bottle!

Keep an eye on these variegated beauties though – once they come out of their container roots will need some time to develop before you see new growth happening.

14. Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are a great plant for any arrangement. The large green leaves and white spathe flower will add an attractive centerpiece to your table or windowsill, making it perfect when you want color without much maintenance!

To grow peace lilies, remove the plant from soil and wash off all dirt. Place stems in a vase with fresh water each week to keep it healthy! Add fertilizer as necessary for optimal growth rate.

15. Paperwhite

Paperwhite is one of the most popular plants for a glass terrarium. If you want an attractive indoor water garden, then this paper-eating plant will be perfect!

Place it in its soilless mix and add enough water to cover up but not touching the roots (you could also use pebbles or other decorative objects).

16. Moses-in-a-Basket

One of the easiest houseplants is “Moses-in–the Cradle.” Take stem cuttings at least six inches long and put them in a jar or vase filled with water.

Change this plant’s water and fertilizer every week or so to keep it fresh!

17. Impatiens

Impatiens is the perfect plant to grow in your home. It has beautiful flowers and can survive for long periods of time with little maintenance, but it needs some help!

First off all you should make sure that there’s enough water around so this will ensure healthy growth – just don’t let any leaves get into its vase or pooling on top; also fertilize regularly as impatiens love fertilizer.


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