13 Most Effective Anti-Mosquito Plants

When it comes to adding life and beauty into your outdoor area, why not grow some mosquito repellent plants? The good news is that they can be attractive as well!

There are many different types of anti-mosquito plants. Some examples include citronella grass, eucalyptus trees, garlic mustard flowers or lemon balm leaves. Even if you don’t have a garden space outdoors there’s no excuse – these herbs work great in containers too!

Please find below the list of plants that we recommend:

Lemon Verbena

The simple lemon verbena plant has a fragrant, refreshing scent that is both safe and effective in warding off mosquitoes.

It can be grown any way you want to without much maintenance or attention because it’s great for spaces with little room for other plants–even better if they’re pots! When the plant matures you can start picking leaves yourself by crushing them right there on your own hands.


Calendula, or Pot Marigold as it’s more commonly known, is a flowering plant used for its compound that can be utilized in an anti-mosquito repellent.

The scent emitted by the flower has been proven to deter mosquitos from approaching and making contact with the skin due to their dislike of musky scents.

Carnivorous Plant

These plants have been around for centuries and are not only a great decoration but also provide an effective deterrent to mosquitoes, bugs, etc. There is no need to worry about pesky insects ruining your day with this plant planted in the backyard or indoor space that you frequent because it does its own work of keeping them away!

They even come in many different shapes so there’s one perfect for any occasion.


One of the most effective plants in deterring away mosquito is Pennyroyal.

The plant’s leaves have a strong spearmint-like smell, which mosquitos detest and will never come near your house if you crush them up and spread them around.


This grass contains a powerful chemical that mosquitoes don’t like, so they avoid it.

It’s one of the most popular ground covers because this helps protect your property from disease-carrying bugs who are trying to take up residence in your yard and start their breeding cycle.


Rosemary is an herb that not only smells great but also helps you avoid being eaten by mosquitoes.

Besides, it can be used in a culinary capacity and has other benefits too!

Stone Root

The stone root is one of the most unusual herbs in the world, and it happens to be among its very effective at repelling mosquitos.

However, this plant loves moist environments with a lot of water drainage – so if you want your own batch just make sure you grow them inside containers!


Catnip is one of the most effective herbs for repelling mosquitoes. Not only are its strong scents an immense help in keeping these pests away, but they’re also 10 times more potent than DEET!

Catnip’s scent can keep cockroaches from invading your house as well.

Lime Basil

Lime basil is a plant that can be grown in your window box. It has an appealing scent and flavor, so it’s perfect to grow if you’re trying to deter mosquitoes from entering the area.

You’ll want to make sure not to let any of its foliage touch the ground as seeds will spread quickly!


Garlic is one of the most popular plants for gardening because it not only protects against mosquitoes but also other pests.

It’s great that you can reap so many benefits from just planting this herb in your garden!


This plant is called Lantana. It has an amazing shape and because of that, it not only repels mosquitoes but also attracts butterflies!

If you would like to have a garden full of beautiful butterflies then the below plant will be perfect for your needs.


Mosquito bites are not just irritating, they can be very dangerous. Luckily there are plants that will protect you against mosquitoes and other pests!

Eucalyptus globulus or “Stringybark” is incredibly powerful with its mint-like scent to ward off mosquitos as well as aphids, flies, beetles and more.

You’ll notice it’s also an attractive plant which makes for a beautiful addition indoors or outdoors in any space where insects might have been annoying before!

Neem Tree

The mosquito-repelling plant, the neem tree is one of the oldest plants to fight off mosquitoes.

Originating from India and having a long history there in fighting off these pesky insects, it can also be grown as an effective barrier for protection against them at home or garden spaces.

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