12 Houseplants That Need (Almost) Zero Sunlight

You may not know this, but your room isn’t the only place you can find houseplants. Even if a home has few windows or none at all in some rooms it’s still possible to enjoy plants and flowers indoors!

These 12 best indoor plant varieties are perfect for low light conditions – they don’t need natural sunlight to thrive. That means that even on rainy days where there is very little sun coming through the windowpanes these tropical beauties will be just fine from their spot next to your bedside table until those rays reappear again later in the day.

Here are 12 best houseplants for low light areas:

1. Bromeliads

Bromeliads are perfect plants to grow indoors and most varieties of this plant thrive in a container planted under the shade of your home. It is also an easy-to-care for tropical type that grows anywhere – including inside where luminescent light shines through!

2. Dragon Tree

The dragon tree is a plant with incredible resilience. Sunlight and over watering are not too much of an issue for this hardy species, but neglecting to give it water will turn the once-beautiful leaves brown.

3. Spider Plant

The spider plant is one of the most popular house plants and extraordinarily easy to care for. The best part about this plant is that it’s a great indoor air cleaner, but looks even more beautiful in hanging planters!

4. Peace Lilly

If you are often too busy to water your houseplants, the peace lily is a forgiving plant. Peace lilies thrive in shady locations and also clean up the air around them. They grow quickly so they’re perfect for anyone who doesn’t have much time to take care of their plants!

5. Chinese evergreen

chinese evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant is considered as the expert in household plants that don’t need sunlight. This tropical foliage plant manages to grow even when the poor light, dry air and drought are present.

6. Creeping Fig 

Creeping figs are a wonderful addition to any garden space. They grow slowly and have dark green leaves that can be leathery or wrinkled depending on the type of creeping fig you choose.

Creeping figs do well as an indoor plant, but beware not to overwater them because they will rot away if their soil becomes too wet for long periods of time!

7. Philodendron

Philodendron plants are perfect for people who love to garden, but don’t have the time. With a little low-light exposure and humid soil conditions as well as regular watering intervals these plant can flourish in any climate or season!

8. Calathea (Peacock Plant)

A houseplant with a delicate, yet strong personality that needs to be prepared for. The Foemina is one of the most beautiful foliage plants you should grow in your home and will do well in light shade or even indirect sunlight. It grows quickly but requires water frequently according to how much light it’s getting (more often if there isn’t enough).

With this plant, it’s important not only to keep its soil moist at all times – never letting it dry out completely-but also keeping track of temperature so they don’t get too hot or cold.

9. Peperomia

Peperomia is a small, adorable houseplant which only grows up to 6 inches tall. Due to its thick foliage it often gets mistaken for succulents – but this isn’t true! The plant does prefer slightly moist soil and usually needs watering reduced in the wintertime.

You can help keep your pepo’s humidity levels high by spraying their leaves with water every now and then!

10. Devil’s Ivy (Golden Pothos/Money Plant)

This common plant is also known as the Money tree in south east Asia. It’s grown extensively throughout Asian countries, but it can be an excellent houseplant if you have a lot of light!

This low maintenance vine grows easily without direct sunlight and will clean your air by removing carbon monoxide from the environment.

11. Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)

Mother-in-law’s tongue is a low maintenance plant which can survive in even the most dark, dismal places. It’s also known as snake plants due to its ability to live off water and air alone without sunlight for nearly six months!

One more interesting fact about this houseplant that makes it stand out amongst other succulents is–It has thick leaves like an agave cactus or aloe vera leaf.

12. Carex Morrowii (Japanese Sedge)

Japanese sedge is a perfect ornamental grass for bringing the beauty of nature indoors. It thrives in low-light conditions and can grow up to 15 inches tall!

If you’re struggling with the lack of natural light in your home, these are some houseplants that will still thrive. They do need a steady supply of plant lights or ambient lighting to survive though!

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